Source code for tomita.legacy.mixfiles

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Mix two mono files to get a stereo file

import sys, wave, struct

[docs]def mix_files(a, b, c, chann = 2, phase = -1.): f1 =, 'r') f2 =, 'r') r1, r2 = f1.getframerate(), f2.getframerate() if r1 != r2: print("Error: frame rates must be the same!") sys.exit(1) f3 =, 'w') f3.setnchannels(chann) f3.setsampwidth(2) f3.setframerate(r1) f3.setcomptype('NONE', 'Not Compressed') frames = min(f1.getnframes(), f2.getnframes()) print("Mixing files, total length %.2f s..." % (frames / float(r1))) d1 = f1.readframes(frames) d2 = f2.readframes(frames) for n in range(frames): if not n % (5 * r1): print(n // r1, 's') if chann < 2: d3 = struct.pack('h', int( .5 * (struct.unpack('h', d1[2*n:2*n+2])[0] + struct.unpack('h', d2[2*n:2*n+2])[0]))) else: d3 = ( struct.pack('h', int( phase * .3 * struct.unpack('h', d1[2*n:2*n+2])[0] + .7 * struct.unpack('h', d2[2*n:2*n+2])[0])) + struct.pack('h', int( .7 * struct.unpack('h', d1[2*n:2*n+2])[0] + phase * .3 * struct.unpack('h', d2[2*n:2*n+2])[0])) ) f3.writeframesraw(d3) f3.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 4: a, b, c = sys.argv[1:] print("Mixing %s and %s, output will be %s" % (a, b, c)) mix_files(a, b, c)